25 November 2016

Loneliness #2

I've made a cringier blog post about this before, but this new and improved version has the dankiest gifs 

Everyone wants to be cool. Nobody wants to be left out or alone, I mean if you're cool you wouldn't be alone right? (Unless you moved countries or you're a widow) But here's the thing right, high levels of loneliness is just simply part of being a sensitive and intelligent human. It's a built-in feature of complex existence.
In a world of 7.4 billion people, it is highly likely to find someone who is on the same page of the soul as us, but no one is exactly the same, well obviously, because they either appeared on Earth at different times, grew up in a different family, varying experiences or are just not made up of the same stuff.

We will never meet the people best qualified to understand us, but they do exist. They could be sucking dick in the toilet cubicle right next to you but you wouldn't have the slightest idea of the potential connection. Or maybe they fell off a building looking for wifi. Perhaps they won't be born until the 26th century. You'll never know.

Regardless, loneliness is a tax to pay for a certain complexity of the mind. It isn't our fault really. A degree of distance and mutual incomprehension isn't a sign that you fucked up, it's what we should all expect from the start.

Activities stemming from the realization that people won't fully get us like singing, drawing or writing is simply showing others that are separated by time and space that someone like you from the past is out there.

If you think about it, the history of art is a record of people who merely wanted to express themselves to an audience. Both of which are lonely.

We must all die alone, that means that our pain is only ours to endure, but it doesn't hurt to have your hoe cheer you on your journey.

Loneliness gives us character, it gives us depth. We don't think like everybody else, we have better conversations with ourselves and develop our own point of view. We might be alone now, but 1 day, we will be part of a closer and more interesting bond with someone else. Till then, treat yo self.

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Aye fam you good