13 September 2015

Drowning In Existential Voids

Okay I have mention this is many of my posts but I still feel like I don't mention this enough.

Depression seems like one of those things white, privileged, teenage girls get, but boys are just as vulnerable to this. It's the constant label society put on guys when they are depressed as "a pussy" "gay" or "weak". Why? The ability to control your emotions does not determine your masculinity. Other factors play along like, hormonal imbalance, lack of support and other environmental factors. You might not get enough sleep, which is the leading causes of triggering your depression (believe it or not).

Well, you might say, "my parents got divorced, you don't see me cutting myself"and if you say that, you're an insensitive cunt. Clearly, your parents never taught you to be considerate and understanding. Everyone has different reaction factors. Some worse than others. My point here is, don't be afraid to tell someone, anyone. You need help, get it asap. And being in the situation myself, I am more than willing to help you every step of the way.

1. For those who feel insignificant
Listen here bitch.

You might think there's something wrong with you because you have no one that gives a shit about you, and that's not true because you just haven't found friends that are on your level yet. But, there is something wrong with you when you think that having no friends de-values you. You are still a person who has lots to give, full of potential and a heart filled with love. Don't try so hard finding a group you belong in, you are your own group, you are independent enough to be by yourself and give yo self the things you can't get from other people. There is nothing wrong with being alone, it's better than being in a group that doesn't care about you. 

2. For those who feel like they were so much happier before
It's good to feel some nostalgia every once in a while but it's super unhealthy to dwell on it until you feel numb. You're suppose to appreciate the good times, look back and smile, not think about how miserable you are now in your current environment compared to your past. If this is your darkest point of your life, then it can't get any worse than this can it? It will turn for the better. Every bad event is a season or an era, just like the great depression, it will pass, might not seem like it now, but it will.

3. Internet whores
If you post something along the lines of "nobody cares about me" or "it really hurts" or "I give up on life" on Facebook, you're just fishing for attention. If you have a real problem, seek professional help from a therapist, not from your 1365 "friends". A therapist will diagnose you and give you prescribed medication to treat you, your friends can only be there to cheer you on or to help with your 1st world problems. If they really cared, they would come to you straight away. You on the other hand, are the only one who can get yourself out of this. Only you can stop depression. You decide to put a blade onto yourself, not your bullies not your parents. You are the one putting yourself in your situation, and you can get yourself out.

4. You can no longer feel positive about anything at all
From experience, it's a real draaaaaaaag to wake up in the morning when nothing seems to be in colour. No point, no purpose and no reward. Absolutely no vibe. Well, find something. Find something that you have a strong passion for. It could be space, (like meee) it could be dinosaurs, it could even be porn for fucks sakes. Anything to keep you going. After that, learn the shit out of it. Join an astronomy club and be a fuckin nerd, go to the museum to study prehistoric bones, watercolour your entire house or set up your own porn blog. Anything that keeps you distracted from feeling like you're drowning in your own pool of existential voids. It really helps.

Please remember, help is always within reach. I'm right here.

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Aye fam you good