10 August 2015

Waggin Class

As of right now, I have been sitting in the girls' bathroom for nearly 5 hours. No, I'm not taking a shit or giving birth, I'm just avoiding people.

Yes, I know wagging classes is a terrible thing to do but I cannot be stuffed to attend anything today. Not Physics, not Maths and definitely not English. I mean cmon, it's Monday. Everything is due today and I have completed nun of dem. 

What is the point of school anyway? I mean I know it's for us to acquire knowledge and "life skillz" and to get a good score for "university" followed by "careers" but as cliche as this sounds, we are never gonna use this pieces of information anyway. So what if Romeo and Juliet weren't meant to be? So what if y = A[B(x + C)] + D? WHat about teaching us the importance of protecting the environment, gender identity crisis, or looking out for a friend with depression? See, these things are waaay more important than the reproductive system of a flower. 

I get that some of these are important for those who are looking for a career in some areas such as maybe an Engineer, but why make it compulsory for everyone? Everyone is so diverse and yet we are all graded against the same system. Maths is not a condom, one size does not fit all. 

And having studied in Singapore for 14 years, the education system here is pretty shit. Which is a good and bad thing. 

Good: The standard in Singapore is soooo much higher than the one here, it gets to the point where I threw up before a test because I was having a panic attack. Over here though, it's easier for me to get a higher grade. Hell I got 2 A+s for my science.

Bad: The stupidity of my classmates make me wanna kill myself.

What I'm trying to say is, there are so many other important areas of education than just the basic literacy and numeracy. How to apply for Uni, Safe sex, Mental disorders, Health related issues such as insomnia and how to preserve the biosphere, see I learnt all these by myself and I think that everyone else deserve it too. Not to mention the crappy grading system. Most of us don't even fit into the mold that the school set us up for. 

No matter how hard I try, I can never get the grade I want. I might think it's soo good when I hand an assignment in, but when I get it back it's a C-. But don't get me wrong. I would consider myself reasonably intelligent, just not in the area which I'm studying for. 

I'm 100% certain there are already many protests against the system and it's only a matter of time before a revelation takes place.

Dammit future generation, you lucky bastards.

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Aye fam you good