6 April 2016



But I've been going through a whole lot myself. School has been sooooooooo hard on me, even to the point of falling back into my depression. My anxiety levels were higher than snoop dogg, and my sleep schedule was fucked up once again. 

I've failed 3 of my subjects (out of 6) and that has never happened in my entire schooling life. 

So I decided to go back to drawing to ease the stress, nope. Made it worse. I just couldn't put anything down, my mind just goes blank. 

And when I do draw, I would look back at it like I did a poop on the paper. 

It got me questioning my intelligence and my creativity, how did I get here? I was so good before. Why can't I be smart and talented like all my other friends? Why am I so incompetent? I'm a failure, I'm such a disappointment. 

It took me a long time to understand what I'm going through. And guuurrll let me tell you somethin

You remember when you did PE in primary school and you and your mates were trying to hoop a basketball? Well for me, I couldn't even bounce it right and then there's that kid dunkin it every single time. But then unlike me, the same kid doesn't know how science works. And the more I looked around, I realised, the pattern's the same for everyone.

Everybody has strengths and limitations. (HAHA MATHS JOKE, BEAT YOU TO IT, KOBE)

You could be good at something someone else sucks at. There is always someone who is better and worse than you. That kid's probably good coz he's black.

You might think, well maybe I just suck at basketball, I'll never play it again. NO HUNTI, NO. It takes a shitload of hard work, time, and dedication to get good at something, you don't start playing wii tennis and expect to be Roger Federer the next day. You knew that if you worked really really hard at it you might be just as good if not, better than that kid.

And then there's the "talent" bullshit. "oh I'm just not talented," "I can't do that" And I'm here to tell you that that's not true at all. Art, sport and everything inbetween is only 5% talent, and 95% raw passion and drive.

That kid might have talent, but if he decided he didn't like basketball and stops practicing, it is soo possible to be better than him if you dunked every single day.

It's the same when you look at someone and say "I wish I can do that" That person probably spends hundreds of hours or even their entire life time perfecting that skill. Skills are always learnt, talent plays little to no part in it. 
(God bless the kid on the right)

If you want something bad enough, you can get there through hard work, but if you want to get there without the werk, you don't want it bad enough. 

Point is, don't be so hard on yourself, give yourself time and a slap on the butt to keep you going, eventually, you'll always get better. :)

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Aye fam you good