30 July 2016

"The Bell Doesn't Dismiss You"

Being human is easy. But being a person is like forcing a frying pan into a dick-shaper machine. 
It's possible, but really fucking difficult. 

Consciousness and intelligence is what separates us from animals, it's up to us to figure out what to do with it. Some use it to built ships and solve complex problems, others use it to smuggle mary janes into the country.
(Everything's a pocket if you're brave enough)

Everyone wants to do stuff with life, but not everyone gets the chance to. There are people going to war for education, all the lengths they go to just so that they can attend a class, and here you are skipping school to go to Dreamworld.

Not that that's a problem, I do that too. (You can read about that here) I understand that none of us are not born to go to school, get a job, get married and pay bills. Our primary meaning in life is simply to live, but, there's an opportunity given to us that others would literally kill for.

Sure, we can't learn how to do life at school, but that's not where you learn, the teacher salary is simply not high enough for them to give a shit about you, let alone the rest of the class.

You learn to do life by experiencing life, mate. You have friends, family and the internet to learn from, and if you don't have any of that, you have yourself.

I know school might be a shitfuck of a place, especially when we have our own problems to deal with at home. At an age where we are still figuring out who we are, what we wanna do or where to be, juggling with school becomes secondary. In that case, take a break buddy. But when you come back, come back stronger.

We don't go to school for our parents or friends. We don't go to school so that we don't end up working at maccas for the rest of our lives, we go to school:

- For our future patients
- To eliminate injustice
- To educate
- For the environment around us
- So we learn from the past
- So that technology progresses

We go because we can, not because we have to. Your decision to study can change the world. You can change the world. Literally.

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Aye fam you good